传记作家乔治赴瑞士采访卓别林(Robert Downey Jr 饰),后者将自己的故事娓娓道来……1894年的英国,小小年纪的卓别林已经开始为临时演员母亲救场,但失祜的困苦生活导致卓别林兄弟分离,母亲也因发疯入院。1903年,卓别林经哥哥介绍进入一家英国剧团开始自己的 演艺生涯,不久他打出名号,获得美国制片厂的邀请,在美国,卓别林接触到梦幻般的电影艺术,并用自己的灵气在电影这种媒介的帮助下名利双收。卓别林无法忘记自己的出身,掌握制片权后坚持在自己的影片中加入批判精神,也因此被扣上红色份子的帽子,惹上诸多麻烦。这位卓越的电影人经历了政治打压、情人们的离去、成功与失落后垂垂老矣,他在影院看着自己当年的电影,潸然泪下。...
In 1984 Indian Airlines flight IC 691 is hijacked and taken to Lahore this is the fifth Indian Airlines flight hijacked in the last seven <a href="https://www.douban.com/link2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yuankan.cc&link2key=f2bb1c7283" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.yuankan.cc</a> years in tenure of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. RAW decides to appoint one of their undercover agent Anshul Malhotra known by his code name Bell Bottom who has done numerous research on the flights hijacked in last few years a......
A seasoned Free Stalker tasked with guiding a band of Mercenaries deep into The Zone to investigate a paranormal radio signal. Based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video-game series by G.S.C. Game World....
A young artist wakes up in a life that she doesn't recognize, spending her time asleep haunted by nightmares of drowning in a black abysmal void. As she begins to uncover the truths of the life that she's found herself in, the gravity of her failing reality weighs heavily on her psychological identity and the reliability of her sanity is called into question....